on Friday, February 25, 2011

Rune Factory Oceans  (PS3)

In view of the circumstances of the protagonist (Azel) and heroine (Sonya) games are in one body. They will travel the seas on a giant animal (Ymir), ability to rise to the surface of the sunken islands and ships - can be the first to farm, and the second search of treasures. There are a total of about 30 islands with their seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) that enables the development of each island in different ways. In addition, the player will have to build relationships with other characters (not always the same main characters stay in one body), to equip his house on the main island of Phineas and much more.

Additional Information:
Support controller's Move is optional and not implemented anywhere - however, the game was developed simultaneously for the platform Wii, which left a certain imprint on the control. When you start from the inner disk may have problems. Release of the English version has not yet scheduled.

Rune Factory Oceans  (PS3)

Rune Factory Oceans  (PS3)

Rune Factory Oceans  (PS3)






