on Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Chicken Invaders 3 Download

This blog brings a classic game, a game that had and has taken the dream for many people and good Chicken Invaders 3 is an adaptation of Space Invaders where we had to destroy the enemies who were powerful and that we had to do before they come to earth to destroy it.

Chicken Invaders 3 provides the same gameplay than its predecessor where the only changes is that the characters, since we save the earth but will be space chickens which come with the sole mission to explode bomb on us with their eggs.

This game emphasizes that despite a classic it has good graphics which entertain thousands of people looking for a good fun. Here you know you should put an end to all once they come near you so it will be a challenge to be overcome a whole horde of space chicken which only seeks to end everything we know as earth.

Remember that if they fail to meet their mission and not only have more to do to restart the level though is something that I imagine is not acceptable to all players this game works well on any Windows and no need to have a late model. Just CLICK to download this game…